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Cephalopod Lesson PlansBy Dr. James B. Wood and intern Kelsie Jackson. Major contributions by Amanda Piltch, Caitlin Shaw and Amity High School teachers Valerie Cournoyer, Brian Goldstein, Nancy W. Goss and Roger E. Goss. This work was completed at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences as a subcontract of the NSF NSDL library CephSchool grant. The lesson plans are in PDF (Acrobat Reader) format and may be printed and photocopied for classroom use as well as linked to freely.Color Change in Cephalopods How Cephalopods Change Color Why Cephalopods Change Color Light Quantity and Quality Cephalopod Vision
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The Cephalopod Page (TCP), © Copyright 1995-2024, was created and is maintained by Dr. James B. Wood, Associate Director of the Waikiki Aquarium which is part of the University of Hawaii. Please see the FAQs page for cephalopod questions, Marine Invertebrates of Bermuda for information on other invertebrates, and MarineBio.org and the Census of Marine Life for general information on marine biology. |